среда, 22 июня 2016 г.

the best way to position your desk...

the best way to position your desk...

We're currently in the process of designing the new Oh Joy studio, so we've been playing around with desk set-ups to see what feels best and optimizes our work flow and ability to see and interact with each other. You might not have thought much about how you position your desk, but how you position it within the context to the rest of the room tells a bit about your personality and also helps to cater towards the type of work style you want to have. So whether you're setting up a new home office or thinking about switching the set-up at work, here are three ways to position your desk and the pros and cons of each...

the best way to position your desk
the best way to position your desk

the best way to position your desk
the best way to position your desk

1. The Loner. This is the most common position for a desk—facing a wall. It works in small spaces if it's just you working at home, in large spaces with a bunch of employees, and it's honestly the most practical because it allows computer and electrical cords to be closest to the wall outlets while providing a big area right in front of you to hang art and inspiration. The downside of this set-up is that your back is likely facing the door and those who might enter behind you (not very Feng Shui, if you are into that). But it is conducive to focusing, getting work done, and not opening yourself up to too much conversation with others.

the best way to position your desk
the best way to position your desk

2. The Executive. This position—with your back against the wall and fully facing anyone who approaches—allows you to see everything and makes you seem more welcoming to co-workers. I call this The Executive because you always see bosses (who have fancy offices with glass windows on the 50th floor buildings) in movies with their desks like this. My one complaint with this positioning is that the wall outlets are likely behind you and therefore cords from your computer or lamps have to trail on the ground to your side in order to be plugged in. The benefit is that you always seem available. And the downside is that you always seem available ;).

the best way to position your desk
the best way to position your desk

the best way to position your desk
the best way to position your desk

3. The Social Butterfly. This desk position is a mix between the first two. It's practical by having part of the desk up against the wall so cords can connect while hidden, and you still have an area of the wall you can see easily for inspiration.The one downside is that sitting next to a wall can feel claustrophobic for some, while some like the comfort of it. Also, the sideways desk allows for another seat to be easily stationed or pulled up for interactive conversation and meetings.

So, what do you guys think? Which desk position to do lean towards?

Original article and pictures take cdn.shopify.com site

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